Griever Chronicles are stories centering around the lives of some of the people who have held Griever's junction - and when they are finished, they will detail Griever's life, beginning to end.
Griever - my masterpiece (and I'm whacking my forehead with my hand even as I write that). The fic that got it all started. Set six months after Ultimecia's defeat, it details the relationship between Squall's ring Griever and the Guardian Force of that name. And to say any more would spoil it for the few people who come here and haven't read it...
Griever Chronicles: Zell is pretty much what the title says it is - the life Zell has after the ending of Griever. As the first holder of the junction, Zell in some ways has the hardest job...
Griever Chronicles: Shutat is set a few hundred years after all the Orphanage Gang have passed on. The world is much changed, but one thing remains the same - SeeD's mission.
Griever Chronicles banner by lllllShootinStar of the Eyrie.