These are pictuers based on the 'Tales of the Mageborn' stories - multiauthored fics covering the time between Lion's Pride and GC:Shutat.

Tales of the Mageborn

Ariadne and Morgan ab Taran
children of Jerolin and Andraina
by Casi.

Jerolin and Andraina
by Casi.
Skin available.

Prince and Princess
Jerolin ab Taran and Andraina
by Casi.

Jerolin's Children
Ariadne, Morgan, Varick, and Keahi
by Casi.

Butterfly Harris
by Laotsunamii.

Butterfly Harris
by Laotsunami.

Sunshine Harris
by Laotsunami.

Vesta ab Gwynt
daughter of Gwynt and Cho
by Sadia Fiore.

Vesta Iigeru ab Gwynt
(daughter of Gwynt and Cho)
by Naiadkitty.

Vesta ab Gwynt
daughter of Gwynt and Cho
by The Great Saiyaman.